We هي شركة ذات تقنية عالية تدمج البحث والتطوير والإنتاج والتوزيع ، وتوفر كسارة ، وصنع الرمال ، ومعدات طحن ، ومحطة تكسير متنقلة ، إلخ.
TOKYO, Sept 20 (Reuters) - State-owned Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corp (JOGMEC) and Japanese trading house Sojitz Corp (2768.T) have invested $9 million to buy an additional stake in Lynas ...TOKYO, Sept 20 (Reuters) - State-owned Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corp (JOGMEC) and Japanese trading house Sojitz Corp have invested $9 million to buy an additional stake in Lynas Rare Earths to help the Australian miner's expansion project, they said on Tuesday.Japan's JOGMEC, Sojitz invest $9 mln in rare-earths miner LynasThe Metals, Mineral Resources & Recycling Division will strive to improve the quality, cost-competitiveness, and efficiency for our metal resources, steel products, and other existing business fields in order to ensure that we have a strong framework capable of producing stable earnings.Metals, Mineral Resources & Recycling Division | Sojitz Corporationاحصل على السعر
On February 10 th, 2023, JX Nippon Mining & Metals Corporation (President & CEO: Seiichi Murayama; “JX Metals”) and Sojitz Corporation (President & CEO: Masayoshi Fujimoto; “Sojitz”) reached an agreement in which Sojitz will acquire a 34 percent stake in eCycle Solutions Inc. (CEO: Michael Collins; “eCycle”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of JX Metals and Canada’s largest collector ...Americas. May 29, 2023. Sojitz Invests in Next Renewable Fuels, Inc., a Next-Generation Renewable Fuel Producer. Feb. 13, 2023. JX Metals and Sojitz Collaborate with Canada’s Largest Recycler of Household Appliances and Electronic Devices. Feb. 9, 2023. Sojitz Corporation, Mexichem Fluor, S.A.de C.V. and Mexichem Fluor Japan Ltd. Sign ...Americas | News Releases | Sojitz CorporationSojitz Corp. engages in the business of chemical products, energy, machinery, mining, and international trading services.Sojitz | Company Overview & News - Forbesاحصل على السعر
May 30, 2018. Sojitz Corporation. Sojitz Corporation (“Sojitz”) has reached an agreement with BHP and Corporation (“”) to acquire 100% of Gregory Crinum coking coal mine in Australia. Ownership of the mine is currently split equally (50-50) between subsidiaries of BHP and and will be acquired by Sojitz ...احصل على السعر